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5 Most High Maintenance-Dog Breeds - Everything You Need to Know About Them

Source: Wikipedia, Pinterest Have you ever considered getting a dog and adopting it into your family? There are lots of dog breeds in this world and you begin to wonder which one to purchase. Unlike us who can do everything on our own, dogs are a lot of work. They require extra care and exercise to maintain their healthy physical and psychological state. However, if you are up to challenges and willing to devote most of your time to them, there are some high-maintenance dog breeds that you can consider getting.  1. Shiba Inu The  Shiba Inu is one of the most popular dog breeds that originated in Japan. It has a fox-like appearance and a gorgeous, thick coat.  Though they appear to be very calm dogs, you have to keep an eye on them as they naturally inherited the trait of their wolf ancestry. They are incredibly difficult to raise and train, especially with their quick reflexes which make them need to be kept on a leash most of the time.  Not to mention, a Shiba Inu owner should take t

A Shocking Day Experienced by A 12-Year-Old Me

Do you have any shocking experience that makes you realize how crazy and dangerous our world is?

Well, probably you all do. Including me

Actually, it's not that shocking but was enough to make me remember this one episode of my life that took place inside my house. 

A little background of my story, I was born and raised in Riau and by the time this event happened, I was only an innocent 12-year-old girl who didn't even know how dangerous this world could be. 

My family consists of four members, my parents, my younger brother, and me. We had a housemaid that lived with us and also a cute pomeranian dog named James. 

James, our family

Okay, enough for the introduction. Now let the story begins. 

It all happened in one afternoon, my dad wasn't home yet because he was still working, leaving the three of us with our maid and James at home. 

Everything went on like usual. We took lunch, watched some films in the living room, and just me playing with my younger brother and James. The typical day anyone would have. 

Long story short, all of us went upstairs. There was really no one downstairs but we made sure we have locked the main door. My mom was taking a nap and my housemaid was doing some chores. I was still playing with my brother and James when suddenly James was barking really loud and ran downstairs. I followed him down because he never acted like that before, he was a really calm dog.

And  guess what I saw as soon as I got downstairs?

Yep. Two strangers broke into my house. 

They. Are. Inside.

 – With pistols belted around their waist. 

Of course I was dumbfounded, not knowing what should I do. And instead of running, I kept standing there until I saw James began to step closer towards them.

I was afraid that something awful might happen to James, so I tried to chase him but he kept running towards the burglars. They were apparently also quite shocked knowing that James was coming to them without fear. So I shouted and calling my mom. But there were no response so I dashed upstairs to rouse her. Of course, she was taken aback.

However, by the time we came downstairs, the burglars had just left. They did steal some of our stuffs but the most important thing that we were all fine. James was also fine too, they didn’t harm him, which was something I’m grateful for until now. At least they didn’t hurt us even though they had pistols with them.

It was, without a doubt, the most shocking experience I've had in my 20 years of life. 

And, to put it bluntly, James was our hero for noticing the strangers in our home. 
