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5 Most High Maintenance-Dog Breeds - Everything You Need to Know About Them

Source: Wikipedia, Pinterest Have you ever considered getting a dog and adopting it into your family? There are lots of dog breeds in this world and you begin to wonder which one to purchase. Unlike us who can do everything on our own, dogs are a lot of work. They require extra care and exercise to maintain their healthy physical and psychological state. However, if you are up to challenges and willing to devote most of your time to them, there are some high-maintenance dog breeds that you can consider getting.  1. Shiba Inu The  Shiba Inu is one of the most popular dog breeds that originated in Japan. It has a fox-like appearance and a gorgeous, thick coat.  Though they appear to be very calm dogs, you have to keep an eye on them as they naturally inherited the trait of their wolf ancestry. They are incredibly difficult to raise and train, especially with their quick reflexes which make them need to be kept on a leash most of the time.  Not to mention, a Shiba Inu owner should take t

5 Tips to Keep Your Shih Tzu Happy and Healthy | Ultimate Puppy Guide

My 5-month-old Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is an ancient Tibetan dog breed with small legs and floppy ears. They are also given the name 'lion dog' because of a well-known Chinese folklore and its connection to Tibetan Buddhism.

Shih Tzus, unlike other breeds, enjoy being around people and are quite active when playing. However, due to its long, hair-like coat and short physiques, they require extra care to keep them healthy and happy. 

The following are the five top tips to take care of your Shih Tzu.

1. Maintain the body weight
It is important to maintain the body weight of your Shih Tzu as this will affect their health and lifespan. Because of their short physique, it's very easy for them to grow obese if you don't keep track of how much food they eat.

Shih Tzu should be between 4 and 7 kilograms in weight. Heart failure and spinal injuries can be avoided if we keep their weight under control and monitor their dietary portions.

2. Brush their coats on a regular basis
The Shih Tzu is famous for its elegant, silky, long coat. It almost looks like hair rather than fur since it can grow long enough to reach the floor and can be tied up. 

Brushing at least twice a day is required to keep the fur from entangled. Regular grooming is also necessary due to the fast-growing hair. 

3. Give freedom
Despite the fact that Shih Tzus are not active outdoors and like to spend their time sleeping and cuddling, they should not be kept in a cage all day. This only makes them stressed and can increase their level of aggression.

Take them to go for walks and let them befriend other dogs. By giving them the freedom they deserve will prevent them to develop a timid character and separation anxiety. 

4. Keep the ears clean
Unlike other dog breeds, Shih Tzus produce a lot of ear wax. This is because of the floppy ears that block the air from entering and circulating. 

Checking and cleaning their ears once a week is preferable. If the inside fur is too long and making them uncomfortable, you can pull it out.

5. Supplements after dinner 
Supplements are very important to make them stay fit. You don't have to provide them on a regular basis, but at least twice a week is recommended.

Supplements such as fish oil can aid with the coat problem and can also help if your Shih Tzu has allergies.

In conclusion, it can be hard to take care of their treatment and might take much time. However, Shih Tzus are very fun to play with and they are easy to train. It is also safe to let your Shih Tzu play with the kids because of their low level of aggression. 
